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Zhao Zhihong, suspected real culprit in the Hohhot case, is on trial today. Public opinion hopes for the truth to return


On January 5th, China News Agency reported that the suspected real culprit Zhao Zhihong in the pattern of Hohhot Jile is suspected of intentional homicide, rape, robbery, and theft. Today, the Intermediate People's Court of Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region will hold a trial, and the part of intentional homicide and rape will not be publicly heard. The trial of this case may uncover the truth about the murder of the deceased woman in the pattern of Hoghjil.

On April 9, 1996, a rape and murder case occurred in the women's restroom next to the dormitory of the first woolen textile factory in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Hohhot cigarette factory worker Hogejiletu, who reported to the public security organs, was identified as the murderer. 61 days later, the court sentenced Hogejiletu to death and immediately executed him.

In 2005, Zhao Zhihong, a suspect in a series of rape and murder cases in Inner Mongolia, was arrested. Among the multiple cases he confessed to were the "4&middle; 9" female corpse case, which attracted widespread attention from the media and society due to the "two murders in one case". And 9 years ago, Hohhot Jiletu was executed by firing squad for the "4&middle; 9" female corpse case.

According to public reports, Zhao Zhihong, male, born in 1972, is from Yongxing Village, Liangcheng County, Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia. He is known as the "smiling killer" and "killer maniac" by the outside world. It is reported that from April 1996 to July 2005, Zhao Zhihong committed more than 20 crimes in Hohhot and Ulanqab cities, and multiple women were brutally raped and killed. Among the victims, the youngest was only 12 years old.

On November 28, 2006, the Intermediate People's Court of Hohhot City did not publicly hear the case of Zhao Zhihong. The trial was suspended because Zhao Zhihong pointed out in court that the prosecution's accusation missed the rape and murder case of 1996. Since then, the Zhao Zhihong case has never been tried again, and Zhao Zhihong has been detained to this day. According to media reports recently, Zhao Zhihong has performed well since he was detained in the detention center. Several years ago, he was transferred from a solitary place to an ordinary place of detention, learning together with other suspect, meditating and working.

There was a turning point in the Zhao Zhihong case due to the retrial of the Hog Jile pattern. In 2005, Zhao Zhihong was arrested, and subsequently, the parents of Hogejiletu petitioned for 9 years. On November 20, 2014, the Inner Mongolia High Court held a press conference, stating that due to the death of the defendant in the original trial of this case, Hogejiletu, according to relevant provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law, the retrial of this case will be conducted without a court hearing and in writing.

On December 15th, the Inner Mongolia High Court officially delivered a retrial verdict to the family members of Hogejiletu and declared him innocent. The next day, the People's Procuratorate of Hohhot City announced that after reviewing the "4&middle; 9" female corpse case, an additional prosecution was filed with the Hohhot Intermediate People's Court against Zhao Zhihong for the crime of intentional homicide and rape.

After Hohhot was acquitted, people hope to further understand what exactly happened to the murdered woman during the hour and 30 minutes from leaving the restaurant until she was discovered on that day? How did the real culprit commit the crime? So as to further restore the truth through legal reasoning and prove the innocence of Hoggiletu. According to Hong Daode, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, from the perspective of media disclosures, Zhao Zhihong's admission to being the true culprit in the "4&middle; 9" case is more about confessions. The procuratorate and court need to reconfirm the evidence and ultimately determine whether Zhao Zhihong is the true culprit in the "4&middle; 9" case through concrete evidence. If there is insufficient evidence, it cannot be determined that Zhao Zhihong is the true culprit in the Hohhot case.

After the retrial of the Hohhot case, the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region also initiated a accountability investigation procedure, ordering relevant departments to form an investigation team and strictly investigate and hold accountable in accordance with the law. On December 15th, the Inner Mongolia Public Security Department and the Inner Mongolia High Court announced the launch of an investigation into personnel involved in the Hohhot case. The next day, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Procuratorate announced that it had decided to establish an investigation team to investigate the personnel responsible for the Hogejiletu wrongful case caused by the procuratorial system. At this point, all public security, procuratorial and legal personnel involved in the Hohhot case were investigated.

On December 18th, the media reported that Feng Zhiming, the leader of the Hohhot Jile Pattern Special Task Force and the deputy director of the Hohhot Public Security Bureau, was taken away by the procuratorial organs on suspicion of committing a crime while in office and is under investigation. It is reported that in 1996, when the Hohhot Jile pattern was created, Feng Zhiming served as the Deputy Director and Team Leader of the Xincheng District Public Security Branch of Hohhot Public Security Bureau.

After the retrial and acquittal of the Hog case, the Inner Mongolia High Court has recently made a national compensation decision in accordance with the law, deciding to pay a total of 2059621.40 yuan in national compensation to the parents of Hog Jiletu, Li Sanren and Shang Aiyun, including 1 million yuan in compensation for mental damages. (End)




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